
Welcome to MountainSafe

MountainSafe is a partnership of organisations with an aim to promote the safe enjoyment of Snowdonia's mountains. Here you will find information to help you organise your next trip to Snowdonia. For more information about the partnership see here.

    Our key safety messages

    1 Prepare well

    have the right equipment with you for the best and worst-case scenario! You’ll need a map and compass, torch, food and drink, whistle, first aid kit and a fully charged mobile phone. You may even need sunscreen and a sun hat on a sunny day!

    2 Have the latest weather and ground information.

    Check the Met Office Mountain Weather forecast for Snowdonia before you set out and be prepared to turn back if the weather worsens – the mountains will still be here for you to enjoy the next time you visit.

    3 Dress appropriately

    the weather and temperature can change dramatically between the foot of the mountain and the summit. You’ll need strong walking boots, several layers of clothing including warm ones, gloves, a hat and waterproof jacket and trousers.

    4 Know where you're going

    Plan your route before setting off and ask for local advice. Have a map and compass and know how to use them and choose a route which is suitable for you and your group’s experience and fitness level Find out how long it should take and when it gets dark.

    5 Know your limits

    whilst being very enjoyable, getting out into the mountains can be hard work even in summer – challenge yourself but be aware of the fitness levels, and experience of the group as a whole – not just your own.


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    High Risk! {{alert.Element}}
    Medium Risk! {{alert.Element}}
    Low Risk! {{alert.Element}},

    Forecast: {{days[0]}}

    Sunrise: {{srss.sunrise}}
    Sunset: {{srss.sunset}}
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    Ground Conditions

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